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It's the Holiday Season Once Again!

Start a memorable holiday tradition with a live potted Christmas tree this year.

We carry several sizes and varieties to choose from:

White Pine

Colorado Blue Spruce

Norway Spruce

Black Hills Spruce

Fraser Fir

We make it easy for you to care for your tree with an instruction guide with every purchase.

We even carry the perfect Charlie Brown tree - what a great way to make the kids smile. Ask us about other options.

Myers Landscape Nursery specializes in growing trees in pots for your convenience. You will be much more successful with a container grown tree than a tree that has been dug up with roots cut to fit into a pot.

Contact Information

Phone: 574-457-5354

Fax: 574-457-2482


Address and Location

15497 US 6

Syracuse, IN 46567

We are located on the north side of U.S. Highway 6, just a mile north of Syracuse, between S.R. 13 and CR 29.

Garden Center Hours

Spring through Fall Hours

Monday - Saturday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Closed holidays

Phone: (574) 457-5354 * Open 8am - 5pm Monday - Saturday * Copyright ©2016
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