40 years of landscaping and landscape maintenance services.
Myers Landscape Nursery
From trees to ground cover, Mark Myers has tried just about everything. Yet year after year, there are certain things that prove to be indispensable for the nursery grounds at Myers Landscape Nursery
Check out the following categories if you are on the hunt for something new for your landscape:
Shade Trees: Lots of great new Maple varieties, including seedless Autumn Blaze Maples
Ornamental Trees: Tree Lilacs, Dwarf Flowering Crabs, Kousa Dogwood, and Forest Pansy Redbud to name a few
Shrubs: Lots of fancy dwarf and full size Lilacs. Specializing in the newest and hardiest Hydrangeas
Perennials: We have a wide variety of the new Villosa Hybrid Coral Bells for shade
Ornamental Grasses: Wide selection of cool and warm season grasses
Ground Cover: Pachysandra, Myrtle (Vinca minor), English Ivy, and many varieties of colorful, low growing sedums. One of Mark's favorites is Angelina Sedum.
Roses: The favorites at Myers Landscape Nursery are the Knock Outs (especially the double red) and Drift Roses.
Contact Information
Address and Location
15497 US 6
Syracuse, IN 46567
We are located on the north side of U.S. Highway 6, just a mile north of Syracuse, between S.R. 13 and CR 29.
Garden Center Hours
Spring through Fall Hours
Monday - Saturday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed holidays