40 years of landscaping and landscape maintenance services.
Myers Landscape Nursery
Professional Grade Weed Barrier
Myers Landscape Nursery carries Dewitt brand weed barrier in a variety of sizes. This is professional grade, with a 20 year manufacturer warranty.
When installing weed barrier, put the fuzzy side down and stripes facing up.
Myers Landscape Nursery does not recommend the use of weed barrier with mulch. Best results are achieved when weed barrier is used in stone applications.

The following sizes are available:
3' x 50' pre-packaged roll $32.99
3' x 100' pre-packaged roll $64.99
3' x 250' $159.00 per roll or $0.75 per linear foot
4' x 250' $219.00 per roll or $1.00 per linear foot
5' x 250' $269.00 per roll or $1.25 per linear foot
6' x 250' $329.00 per roll or $1.50 per linear foot
8' x 250' $429.00 per roll or $2.00 per linear foot
12' x 250' $629.00 per roll or $3.00 per linear foot
Sod Staples
Use these to hold down sod, or drip line irrigation. Fifteen staples for $2.75

Vinyl Edging
Myers Landscape Nursery carries 20 ft. Black Diamond Edging kits at a price of $22.99
Our edging kits are shipped and stored laying flat and straight - NEVER COILED
Kit includes --
20 ft. plastic edging strip, 4 metal stakes and a connector (not in coils)
MLN also sells sets of 4 stakes and one connector at $6.99
MLN sells one metal stake at $1.25 each

Mosquito Dunks
Kills by using BTI that is only toxic to mosquito larvae, not an insecticide
6 in a package for $15.99 or sheets of 20 for $35.99
Can be used in fish habitats
Can be placed in containerized standing water whenever it accumulates near house holds
Can be used in flower pots, tree holes, bird baths, roof gutters, rain barrels, old tires, unused swimming pools, animal watering troughs.
Use 1 mosquito dunk for up to 100 square feet of water surface, regardless of depth
Can be used whole or broken into portions
Safe for organic gardening
Surface area of standing water
1-5 square feet 1/4 dunk
5-25 square feet 1/2 dunk
25-100 square feet 1 dunk
Above 100 square feet 1 dunk/100 square feet

Mosquito Beater Granules
Non-toxic and biodegradable
Repels mosquitos for up to 3 weeks
Uses oils such as citronella, geranium, and lemon grass as a natural repellent
One 1.3 pound jug treats up to 4,000 square feet

Pond2O Black
1 gallon treats 1 acre 6' deep
Natural "mirror like" look that is aesthetically pleasing
100% safe for all uses immediately after treatment
Color stays suspended longer
Treat regularly from March - October for optimum color

Contact Information
Address and Location
15497 US 6
Syracuse, IN 46567
We are located on the north side of U.S. Highway 6, just a mile north of Syracuse, between S.R. 13 and CR 29.
Garden Center Hours
Spring through Fall Hours
Monday - Saturday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Closed holidays