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If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding Myers Landscape Nursery, please feel free to contact us using this page. We are sure to answer any questions you may have and will contact you as soon as possible. Myers Landscape Nursery prides itself on customer service and we look forward to assisting you with your needs.

If you are calling to speak to us, we may not be near a phone - the nursery is a big, busy place. Please leave a message on our voicemail if you need a response.

Thank you!

MLN Staff

What is your preferred way of receiving a reply?*

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Please provide us with the neccessary information chosen above! (Email Address, Phone Number, Mailing Address, N/A)*

Question, Comment, Concern. Consultation? Ask us!*

Contact Information

Phone: 574-457-5354

Fax: 574-457-2482


Address and Location

15497 US 6

Syracuse, IN 46567

We are located on the north side of U.S. Highway 6, just a mile north of Syracuse, between S.R. 13 and CR 29.

Garden Center Hours

Spring through Fall Hours

Monday - Saturday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Closed holidays

Phone: (574) 457-5354 * Open 8am - 5pm Monday - Saturday * Copyright ©2016
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